7 Gedanken zu „Hello, my name is measles…“

  1. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    schön, dass hier mal der Komplex McCarthy/Jim Carrey/Impfgegnerirrsinn behandelt wird. Ich bin auch nur über Eure ausgezeichnete Linkleiste und durch Respectful Insolence darauf gestoßen.
    Schön ist aber, dass dieser Quatsch bislang wohl kaum einen Amerikaner wirklich interessiert. Was sich spätestens aber wohl dann ändern wird, wenn Fr. McCarthy ihre neue Show bei Oprah bekommt. Gott steh uns bei!


  2. Wer sich in Gesundheitsfragen von Schauspielerratschlägen beeiflussen lässt, dem ist eh nicht mehr zu helfen. Es soll ja auch Leute gegeben haben, die von Prof. Brinkmann persönlich operiert werden wollten.
    Prima Song.

  3. Die ist so doof!
    Das ist aus ihrem neuen Blog:
    Poop Stories
    I don’t know why I’ve always loved talking about poop, but to me it is a great tool in detecting what’s wrong in our bodies. I continuously monitor Evan’s poop by sending it to labs to get tested to make sure things are all running smoothly (no yeast, no bacteria, no infections). Sometimes these things can exist without any physical manifestations, so I like to test for them to make sure he is in perfect health. I decided to take the test myself and see how my body was doing, considering I come from a history of lifelong constipation (I’m talking once every 14 days before a movement).
    Low and behold, my tests came back and I’m a mess! I have two gnarly gut bugs, and I have extremely high amounts of yeast in my gut. So, I started myself on an antifungal, and my poops have been phenomenal! Yeast, yeast, yeast, all coming out! I personally think the majority of women have an overload of this stuff, especially if you have ever been on an antibiotic and then didn’t follow it with a probiotic. Also, the more yeast that comes out, the more my acne seems to be getting better. When Evan was killing candida (back in the day), he was irritable and cranky. Now that I think about it, that is probably why I have been irritable and cranky too (besides PMS). This is also another reason I’m craving sugar and going through withdrawal. If anyone wants to learn more about yeast, please order a book called The Yeast Syndrome. Truly amazing and could change your life. Especially those who have sugar addictions. Until then, enjoy your poops!

  4. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    soeben auf meiner Lieblings-Satire-Website von einem meiner liebsten Schreiberlinge gefunden:


    "don’t listen to Jenny McCarthy"

    Und dazu in den Kommentaren den üblichen Impfgegner-Seich (allerdings deutlich in der Unterzahl)



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