Der „Impfschaden“ der Desiree Jennings

Wer kennt noch den tragischen Fall der 25-jährigen Cheerleaderin, die nach der Grippeimpfung schwerste neurologische Schäden hatte?
Bei ihr handelt es sich um einen ganz speziellen Fall, die Störungen traten nur auf, wenn sie wusste , dass sie gefilmt wird:

Bei steht mehr dazu.

Desiree Jennings caught faking her so-called vaccine-induced neurological problems

* At 01:07, she is walking normally to and from her car, driving, going shopping.
* At 01:26, she speaks normal, American English when the reporter meets with her outside a mall („Oh, I’m sorry“).
* At 01:30, her American accent is now Australian. (Something attributed to being vaccinated with the Brisbane strain of the flu virus.) She cannot, however, get the word „cognitive“ right, so she tries again.
* At 04:16, she is now walking sideways to her car, with somewhat of a limp.
* At 04:20, she jokes that she should not be driving (given her “condition”), and she does so in an American accent.

