Storm the animated movie

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„Storm the animated movie“


Beim Skeptical Inquirer gibt´s noch ein aktuelles Interview mit Tim Minchin:
Spreading the Skeptical Word through Music and Comedy

Spreading the Skeptical Word through Music and Comedy

Curiouser and Curiouser
Kylie Sturgess
April 7, 2011
Spreading the Skeptical Word through Music and Comedy

An Interview with Tim Minchin

When I got a closer look at Australian actor, comedian, and musician Tim Minchin’s eyes, I discovered that kooky contact lenses make his irises a weird shade of turquoise. At the time, I was helping him check his teeth for any residue after his breakfast of toast at the Blue Waters cafe on Cottesloe Beach in Perth, Australia, prior to filming an interview. It’s not exactly typical of my interviews, but it did lead to a conversation on how branding and appearance matter when building a reputation as a polished performer—even if you do play piano with bare feet and have scarecrow-style straightened hair….

6 Gedanken zu „Storm the animated movie“

  1. Auch wenn ich mit meinem untrainierten Schulenglisch nicht alles auf Anhieb verstanden habe; da kann man ja sogar an Hip Hop noch was gutes finden…

    Einfach toll.

  2. Pingback: Psiram » Edzard Ernsts neuer Blog

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